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Úvod Doučovanie Slovak language for foreigners

Individual tutoring of the Slovak language for foreigners

Individual tutoring of the Czech language for foreigners
If you live in Slovakia and you need to use the Slovak language on a daily basis in your occupation, for your studies or in your everyday life, we are here to help you! We can offer an individual tutoring of the Slovak language according to your specific needs. We can help you with preparing for university entrance examinations or for your Slovak language certificate. We will always adapt to your time schedule, whether it be morning, afternoon or online lectures. You will be able to receive a certification of completion of our course for the price as low as 14 € per lecture.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us +421 905 891 021 or send an e-mail to
For information in another language, click on the flag below.
Slovenský jazyk pre cudzincov Slovak language for foreigners Slowakischen als Fremdsprache Словацкий язык для иностранцев Slovak cho người nước ngoài

Individual online courses of the Slovak language for foreigners

  • Content of the lessons according to your specific needs.
  • Quality tutoring led by skilled lecturers.
  • Time flexibility according to your schedule.
  • Favorable price as low as 14 € per lecture.
  • Interactive multimedia online courses from A1 to B1 levels via Skype or Google Meet.
  • Exact coverage according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (SERR).
  • Online tutoring is available anywhere in the Slovak Republic as well as abroad.

Preparatory courses for your university studies

  • Do you wish to study at a prestige university?
  • We will prepare you for the entrance examinations!
  • We offer preparatory courses in the Slovak, Czech and the English language.
  • Medical, philosophical, pedagogical faculty.

Preparatory course for the certified Slovak language examination for foreigners (ECL)

  • This course is suitable for all candidates who have already reached A2 to C1 level of the Slovak language.
  • This language examination verifies written and verbal skills in various aspects of everyday and professional life.
  • We will prepare you for it!
  • The ECL examination can be accepted as a proof of reached level of the language in acquiring an academic diploma, permission for work or when applying for a paid scholarship abroads.
  • We must point out that this course is not viable in obtaining a Visa, nor is it able to extend your Visa.

Preparatory course for the Slovak citizenship examination

  • Every applicant whose aim is to acquire a citizenship is examined by a three member committee.
  • The applicant is asked questions regarding themselves, their close ones as well as questions regarding the general knowledge of the history, geography and social-political development of Slovakia. Moreover, the applicant is asked to read a  newspaper excerpt of at least 500 words out loud. After having done that, the applicant is given time to write down everything they have remembered.
  • Hence the goal of this course is to make the applicant acquainted with the format of the examination and better their knowledge of the language. 
  • We must point out that this course is not viable in obtaining a Visa, nor is it able to extend your Visa.

Kto u nás učí?

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